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#1 2007-01-15 11:52:24 pm

Registered: 2007-01-15
Posts: 5

i have these hacks...

EDIT 1/30/2017 - Fixed links

I made these partially for myself, partially for others... really I'm too lazy to do anymore... that and I have better things to do ;)

Kung Fu is just fonts.... Zelda II is fonts and some graphics, I probably need to look into zelda2 again and fix some remaining issues provided they have been fixed in pocketnes...
view the page here or get them off this post, it don't matter!

Kung Fu (U).nes

kungfu.png kungfuhack.png


Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link (U).nes

zelda2-1.png zelda2-2.png


Last edited by r0ni (2017-01-29 9:48:19 pm)


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