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As mentioned in the Readme file, I would like to get Rumble for the games supporting it, but for the life of my, I'm unable to find a raw copy of the Game Boy Player logo for use.
I remember downloading it from Flubba's site eons ago, and still have a compiled GombaColor.gba file from back then with the logo in it, but how to get it out of it for the purpose mentioned?
Thank you for any help in this matter.
Last edited by ZueriHB (2018-11-11 3:03:29 pm)
I found this sitting on my hard drive somewhere...
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
Thank you so much!
Now I can enjoy one of my favorite games on a big screen, but with rumble!
Just remember to rename any Rom file with special characters first ^^;;