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#1 2021-01-03 4:44:48 am

Registered: 2021-01-03
Posts: 1

Help, I cannot press both L + R buttons at the same time!

I currently using Retro Mini to play gameboy rom on gba emulator, but it cannot press both shoulder buttons (L + R) at the same time to open menu, how can I remap it?

For example, press L + A to open menu?

Last edited by baolhq (2021-01-03 4:45:16 am)


#2 2021-01-03 6:29:42 am

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,022

Re: Help, I cannot press both L + R buttons at the same time!

I made a PocketNES Key Changer program a while ago, let me go dig it up...

Attachment Icon pocketneskeychanger.zip, Size: 11,449 bytes, Downloads: 34

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


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