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My name is Brian. Im a college student living in Oregon..
Anyway I came here through Zophars Domain..
Did Dwedit Make the Dragon Warrior Massive Data editor??
Im trying to learn how to make a game editor for roms
and I thought id ask here since this is the home page of the dw massive data editor..
I have devkitpro.
If thats what I use or if it helps let me know.
You can reach me on msn if you would like or if its easier than posting.
My msn name is Brian..
Well thats about it.. I hope to learn new skills so I can make rom editors for roms that dont have one....
I did not make the DW1 massive data editor. Someone else called Roto made that.
I made the level editor, Townedit.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
ok.. Your site is really cool.. I dont get it... Ive got a small site like yours and mines dying....
I added mine in my profile... Maybe I just suck at websites.... All I ever get is the occasional visitor...
Can you maybe send me down the right path to making a editor??
Is there a tut out there??
Last edited by Chrono31 (2009-01-16 7:18:09 am)
My site isn't all that lively, the vast majority of hits are from search engine spiders. Even the board often takes several weeks before someone posts something.
It started out lively with more than one person posting, but then everyone else just left.
As for making an editor, learn to program.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."