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#1 2011-11-16 6:29:05 am

Registered: 2011-11-16
Posts: 7

New z80 programming contest... Lot of prizes to win !!


The zcontest is a z80 programming contest.

There's 3 different categories :
- TI basic
- Basic extended (axe parser, bbc basic, fast rpl etc...)
- Asm

In each category, there's 2 sub categories :
- Tool
- Game

The deadline is the 1rst december.

### The prizes ###

one TI NSPIRE CX CAS, two TI84+ pocket.fr and three TI76.fr.

Thank you to our sponsor TSPromotion (http://www.boutique-calculatrice-ti.com/
More information here : http://tiforge.info/zcontest3/ (french and english version)

Here the announce of the prizes :

Deeph and myself are proud to announce the prizes.

Our sponsor tspromotion (official website : http://www.tspromotion.fr/   shop  : http://www.boutique-calculatrice-ti.com/ ) will offer very very beautiful gifts !!

Prizes will be distributed like this :

- Each langage is judged alone without taking care about sub categories (game or utility)

- Better project between all langages win a TI-NSPIRE CX CAS !!

- Others winners (2 others categories) win a TI84+ pocket.fr (yes the french pocket version !)

- Second project of all langages win a TI76.fr (another french version especially for english people who can't get it in their country).

So by example it could look like this (assuming TIBASIC will be the better project) :

2eme : TI76.fr

BASIC extended :
1er : TI84+ pocket.fr
2eme : TI76.fr

1er : TI84+ pocket.fr
2eme : TI76.fr

One more time, thank you to TSP for his generous offers.

Even if there 's beautiful prizes, do not forget that zcontest is a funny contest.
The most important thing is to share knowledge, discussing etc...
But winning a calc is always cool :P

Good luck every one !!!

### How to participate ###

You just had to submit your project on the official website before the first december.
(french and english version available!)
You can also open a dedicated subject in the Yaronet subforum : http://www.yaronet.com/sujets.php?f=3179

(French and english spoken on Yaronet so don't worry Smiley )

Here is the rules :

zContest is a honorific programming contest.


Only TI-Basic, extended TI-Basic/Axe Parser/BBC Basic and assembler z80 programs will be accepted, and for the TI 82, 83, 83+ and 84+ only.

The program should be uploaded in a zip file before 1st December 2011, 23:59 (UTC+1) with all necessary files to properly run the program.

A notice must be included in the zip file, which should describe the game and tell us a little about it.
The program can be split into several parts. Any plagiarism will disqualify both the program and participant from the competition.

The program can not have been published before the opening date of the competition, though its publication is allowed during the contest period.

Each participant may submit up to three programs in several categories.

Juries are arranged by category : a judge will test all the programs from at least one category, but no more than three. The judges will be appointed by the contest organizer, postulation free. Qualifications: serious behavior, general knowledge of video games and TI calculators (registration on the website).
It is obviously impossible for a judge to participate in a group s/he judges.
However, a judge may submit a program for a category that s/he does not judge.

No size restriction, but it will be taken into account when grading.

For extended TI-Basic programs, all libraries may be used. It will be necessary to provide the used library in the zip file.

For assembler or Axe Parser programs, the final archive must contain the source code.


There are three categories for the competition :

    * The TI-Basic, using only the TI-Basic functions of the calculator.
    * The extended TI-Basic/Axe Parser/BBC Basic, which use other libraries, as well as the TI-Basic.
    * The assembler, which will be fully programmed in assembler, running under Ion or any other shell, such as MirageOs.


The theme is open, the participant has the freedom to choose his/her subject and program as long as it complies with the prescribed rules.


Each jury member will test all the games in his/her category/ies, and an average will be taken from all the grades.
Any bugs will be penalized.

The grading is as follows :

-Gameplay (ownership, interest, pleasure felt playing the game, interface, scenario ...) : /15
-Smooth, speed of execution : /5
-Graphics (graphics, interface menu ...) : /5
-Life : /5
-Originality : /5
-Technical quality (size/games, technical challenge ...) : /5
-Total : /40


Each jury member will test all the utilities in his/her category/ies, and an average will be taken from all the grades.
Any bugs will be penalized.

The grading is as follows :

-Usefulness : /15
-Difficulty : /10
-Quality : /5
-Fluidity : /5
-Originality : /5
-Total: /40

The most important thing is not competition but sharing knowledge, discussing and have feedback on your project.
And have fun !

No need to have a big project, little things are welcome.

There's already some omnimaga's members who participates to the contest, thanks :)

Good luck to everyone !

Thibault Duponchelle

link :
project page on the official website (english version) : http://tiforge.info/zcontest3/?a=projets&l=en
yaronet subforum (fr and en spoken) : http://www.yaronet.com/sujets.php?s=&f=3179

PS :  I see you well know ti83 regular. There's not many people who continue to develop on this platform. I'm glad to see you do too :)


#2 2011-11-16 7:48:18 am

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,022

Re: New z80 programming contest... Lot of prizes to win !!

I haven't done anything for the TI8x in years, and was considering closing this section of the board, but thanks for posting here!

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


#3 2011-11-20 8:43:16 am

Registered: 2011-11-16
Posts: 7

Re: New z80 programming contest... Lot of prizes to win !!

No problem, you're welcome :)

You can"t close this section :'( . This website is not very famous in the TIz80 community, but you're a "legend" for me and some other asm programmers.


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