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#1 2012-02-25 12:15:09 pm


Possible to convert GBC sav? Cheat with Goomba colour?


I'm using the modified Goomba Colour to play Pokemon silver. I wanted to put on a few gameshark cheats so I took the .sav and the .gba from my sd card to play through VBA.
The gameshark codes wouldn't load, I'm presuming this is because the game has been slightly modified.

So then I tried the sav with the original gbc file and it wouldn't load the sav. I'm presuming because it is a 64kb sav file now, whereas Pokemon Silver requires 32kb.

So is there anyway I can convert the file back to a 32kb? Would that work and allow me to put gameshark codes on the game?
Or should I do something else?

Btw I'm using an EZ Flash IV on a gameboy micro :)

Thanks guys,


#2 2012-02-27 1:32:48 pm

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,022

Re: Possible to convert GBC sav? Cheat with Goomba colour?

A Goomba save file is a collection of files inside, not just a simple save file like a game would create.  You'd need to extract the actual save out of the goomba save.

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


#3 2012-02-27 2:17:14 pm


Re: Possible to convert GBC sav? Cheat with Goomba colour?


I didnt put more than one game in each Goomba 'compilation'. How can I extract a save from the 64kb .sav file? Is there a program I can use?

Also would I then be able to put this extracted .sav file into a 32kb .sav 'shell' so then I can use the gameshark codes on it. Then I would need to put this modified .sav back into the goomba .sav.

I'm not that 'hack-savvy', so if you wouldnt mind telling me what im looking for?

Thank you for your reply.


#4 2012-02-27 2:51:42 pm


Re: Possible to convert GBC sav? Cheat with Goomba colour?


I've managed to extract the game sav and put my gameshark codes on it.

But now its a 32kb .sav file. How can I get it to work with my game on my EZ Flash IV?


#5 2012-02-27 3:17:25 pm

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,022

Re: Possible to convert GBC sav? Cheat with Goomba colour?

It's documented here...
http://www.pocketheaven.com/ph/wiki/ind … ors_and_PC

To get your SRAM out of Goomba/Goomba Color, use the Memory Editor on VisualBoyAdvance to export address 02038000 (length 8000).  Then to get it back it, use it again to import to address 02038000.

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


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