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#1 2015-01-23 5:18:46 pm


ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"


i tried goomba color. but i have a probleme with it. I m a linux user, so i  used the following commande line  to put my roms collection and goomba in the same file:

$ cat goomba.gba *gb *gbc *sgb > goomba_out.gba

But when i try to boot the rom goomba_out.gba from the ez flash iv, i have the following message: "warning PSRAM is enought".

Do you what it mean ? what PSRAM is ?

#2 2015-01-23 8:35:04 pm

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,022

Re: ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"

PSRAM means psuedo-static RAM.  Normal GBA cartridges use Mask ROM to hold the game code, but flash cartrdges like the M3 or EZ4 have a RAM chip instead.  PSRAM doesn't need any separate memory refreshing logic, so it is easier to integrate into the hardware.

I think the message means your ROM file is too big.  If it's bigger than 32MB, get it smaller.  Make separate multiple separate builds a single rom is too big.  If 32MB doesn't work, try 16MB.

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


#3 2015-01-24 6:19:23 pm


Re: ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"


Thanks,  i had tried with a file realy smaller ( 15mo) .  tried without the ezflash client, i  have used goomba-sve32.gba instead of goomba.gba. Now i have a white  screen on the GBA.
i think i need that fucking windows client, and wine doesn't work withe it... Fortunatly some people i know have this OS.

#4 2015-02-26 4:32:42 pm

Registered: 2015-02-26
Posts: 21

Re: ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"

You can also just push select and copy the rom to the NOR memory if your cart supports this function, again there will be limits on the size but they are typically much more generous than the default way of running a rom.


#5 2015-11-03 1:19:22 am

Registered: 2015-10-15
Posts: 6

Re: ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"

When I use my EZ FLASH IV playing gba roms on my DSlite, it also shows PSRAM not enough for some roms which are larger than 16mb. I learned that they should be written into the NOR by pressing the select button and then press A. I did so, and those game run perfectly fine after being loaded into the NOR(such as MOTHER 3, POKEMON and so on)


#6 2016-11-12 7:58:21 pm

A user

Re: ez flash IV "warning PSRAM is enought"

Thanks for goomba really great project

my saves dissapear after a while though how can i guarantee to transfer saves to actual memory card in flash cart?

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