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#1 2012-07-23 2:15:19 pm

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 3

PocketNES 6-13-2012 Questions

Hi! first, hello to everyone, and second, sorry my bad English, I'm Spanish

I downloaded PocketNES 6-13-2012 from this website


I want to say thanks to Dwedit for the great work

Here my questions:

In older PocketNes versions, in the PocketNES Menu Maker i can use Follow memory or sprite values, and this values are permanent in the GBA converted game (i make one rom for every nes game)

In this version this not happen, and is a big problem to me, because i found this version have better emulation in some games, like battletoads

As of course you know, the choices are scaling, unscale, or unscale following sprite/ram

Scaling is not a option for me, i dislike much, then i start playing with the unscale options

The problem is that, if i centered the screen with the R and L buttons, i can get a perfect position in most games, but, if i want to go to menu, and i press L+R, y move the screen.... big problem... there is a way to remember this position and make fix???? it will be perfect this option, and will solve all problems... and my next question

Because i dont found a way to remember position, I start playing with ram address, then for example, in old PocketNES

Mighty Final Fight, i found that RAM address F423 center the screen, almost perfect
Shatterhand RAM address 664F center the screen, almost perfect
Batrman radioactive man same with sprite 010E... etc

And in new PocketNEs version 6-13-2012

Battletoads, with RAM value of 2, give a great centered screen, perfect for play

Even if i cant find good values in all games, i found in a lot of them, good ones

But with this new version, if is not possible to save this value, i cant use pocketnes :(

Then my questions again to be short...

Is possible to remember screen position? ..... and if not... my next question

Is possible to fix the problem that new pocketnes not remember RAM/Sprite value?

Thanks for your great work


Last edited by theelf (2012-07-23 2:16:22 pm)


#2 2012-07-25 4:51:42 pm

From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-12-12
Posts: 1,020

Re: PocketNES 6-13-2012 Questions

I think I might have accidentally broken the features for scaling settings when I re-did the savestate and loadcart code.  Since I never used that feature, I never noticed it breaking.
I'll look into it later.

"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."


#3 2012-12-08 3:31:34 am

Registered: 2012-07-23
Posts: 3

Re: PocketNES 6-13-2012 Questions

Dwedit, thank you very much for your reply, and im very sorry for my very late answer to you

Finally you can have some time to take a look in the PocketNES code to found the problem?




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